Thursday, April 08, 2021

Christian News

Video of the Editor of Christian News -

Christian News ( is a conservative Lutheran newspaper, published since 1962, that has a blog at  Below are brief summaries and in some cases comments on past issues of Christian News.


The best article in this issue in my opinion is “The LGBT Policies of Mainline Protestantism: An Analysis and Response,” by Rev. Dr. Martin Noland, reprinted from The Lutheran Clarion.


The lead article is “In Memorium: John Warwick Montgomery – October 18, 1931 – September 25, 2024 – Evangelical, Evidential and Confessionally Lutheran Christian.”


One of the articles is titled, “Why All the TVs? The Death of Attention and Our Loss Of Ability to Listen.”


The lead article is a very long critical review of the book “The Ends of the LCMS” by Joseph Beran.


“Nine Facts About Tim Walz’s Church,” reprinted from the Washington Stand, shows how radically unbiblical Pilgrim Lutheran Church in St. Paul, Minnesota is.  It’s affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and formerly was with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.  Walz is the Governor of Minnesota and the Democrat nominee for Vice President.


A review of Megan Basham’s book Shepherds for Sale from Religion Unplugged is reprinted, as well as an excerpt from the book that was printed on the First Things web site.  I’ve read the book myself and will be publishing a review of the book myself.  (I give the book five stars.)


There was a headline stating, “Lutherans, Orthodox Church reach agreement on 1,000-year debate over Nicene Creed,” and a commentary noting among other things that “This is not agreement on a theological level.”


The lead story is titled, “For the First Time, Neither Party Is Pro-Life.”  (Basically accurate about the two major U.S. political parties.)  Also, there is a commentary about a situation where someone is excommunicated from one denomination’s congregations but welcomed in another.  Of course, shouldn’t really be happening that way.  But such situations will ultimately be judged by God.  Martin Luther remains excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church, I think.  And of course, many, especially conservative Lutherans, disagree with that (and rightfully so, in my opinion).7-29-24


One of the commentaries is titled, “Contemplating a Presidential Proclamation Designating ‘Gluttony Month’ and ‘Sloth Month.’”  Rev Jim Roemke’s prayer at the Republican National Convention is also discussed.


“Why Do Churches No Longer Sing?” is the title of a sermon by Rev. Dr. Matthew Richard, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Minot, North Dakota.


There are numerous documents reprinted about the current situation at Concordia University Wisconsin Ann Arbor.


“Elon Musk Brings Internet to Amazon Tribe Isolated for 1,000 Years; Now They Face Porn Addiction” and “Massachusetts Bill Would Allow Women to Sell Their Unborn Children” are two of the headlines.


Pastor Ron Stelzer wrote a fine short article, “Father—Earthly and Heavenly.”


Again, many worth articles in this issue, one of which is the thought provoking, “Five Reasons Pro-Life Keeps Losing at the Polls.”


Many strong articles in this issue, including “Where Will You and I Stand on Judgment Day?” by Pastor Elder McCants.  The full transcript of football player Harrison Butker’s commencement speech at Benedictine College is reprinted.


Articles in this issue include “California Lutheran University Announces Leadership Transition” (liberal Lutheran John Nunes, who previously failed as a college president elsewhere – Concordia College New York was sold after Nunes’ sorry “leadership"—became interim president of California Lutheran University, which has had major problems also).  Nunes, who has recently preached several times on the “Lutheran Hour,” apparently left the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to boot.  Other headlines are “Suddenly There Aren’t Enough Babies—the Whole World Is Alarmed,” “Matthew 18 and the Christian Journalist,” “Will My Dog Be in Heaven?”, “Queer Confirmation,” and “Are You Critical?”


One of the headlines asks the question, “Has Concordia University, St. Paul Been Woke Since At Least 2017?”


 The Association of Confessional Lutheran Churches, the Australian Evangelical Lutheran Church and the United Lutheran Mission Association have announced that they have come to altar and pulpit fellowship agreement.  Walther Seminary serves the three small church bodies.


Articles reprinted in this issue included the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod’s “Theses on Justification” from 1983, C.F.W. Walther on Slavery, and “How Clothing in Scripture Paints a Picture of the Gospel” from Answers in Genesis.


One of the articles reprinted is “What Happens When the Governing Authorities Are the Wrongdoers?” by Matthew T. Martens.  This was from the Crossway web site and adapted from Martens’ recently released book, Reforming Criminal Justice: A Christian Proposal, which I reviewed several weeks ago.  I didn’t give the book a good review because I felt it was excessively critical of prosecutors and too sympathetic to defense attorneys.


The lead story, as well as several other inside stories, is about Theology Professor Richard Bevan Hays, who wrote a forthcoming new book changing his conservative biblical position on the sin of homosexuality.  Apparently he had written some questionable material earlier on other subjects.  The overrated Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana devoted a special theological journal edition to the 75 year old ordained United Methodist in 2006.  CN said that Hays’ work was deficient even then.


There are many good articles, but perhaps the best one was “An Open Letter to the Church Member Hurt By Their Local Church” by Daniel P. Miller of Crossway.  Miller has also written a small book on the subject.


One of the articles is “What Are Demons, and How Should Christians Think About Them?” by Jon Nielson of Crossway.


One of the reprinted articles is titled, “The Decline of Valparaiso University A Tragedy for American Lutheranism.”  CN asks, “Is it a tragedy or the just consequences for a failed Lutheranism and a reflection on what they offer?”


One of the articles is titled, “Wondering ‘What Is a Woman’ Hurts Women.”  (The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh, a conservative Roman Catholic, headlined a recent popular documentary, titled “What Is a Woman?”, along with a companion book.  “What Is a Woman?" took issue with the major error of transgenderism.)  Another article was titled, “He Will Not Be Your Butler But Will Gladly Be Your Atonement.”


Article titles included, “A Russian Christian’s Story: A Long Way from the Four Spiritual Laws at Moscow McDonald’s to Confessional Lutheranism,” “Shock at the Belief That Rights Come from God,” and “Six Lies from the Pit of Hell – 1. People Earn Their Way Into Heaven by Their Deeds, 2. Jesus Christ Sinned While Living on Earth, 3. The Bible Was Created by Man and Is Unreliable, 4. All Religions Lead to God, 5. Fornication and Homosexual Behavior are Not Offensive to God, 6. A Person’s Gender Is Fluid, Which Makes Gender Transitioning a Good Thing.”


An important and well-written editorial (about the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod-affiliated Concordia University System) titled, “The Future of Concordia, Ann Arbor and All Concordias,” concluded, “It is not enough to just maintain the institutions that have existed. We must have a reason to justify their continuance. After all, we do not live by tradition and historical precedent, but the living Word of Christ. Failures and challenges should turn us to the Word of God and humble us anew to ensure we are actually pleasing God in how we live--and not just ourselves.”


One of the articles is titled, “C.S. Lewis’s Denial of the Blood Atonement,” reprinted from the Fundamentalist Baptist Way of Life web site.


The lead commentary is “The Gospel Is About Going to Heaven When You Die.”  There are also commentaries on the 50th anniversary of the beginnings of Christ Seminary-Seminex, a liberal Lutheran seminary.


“Prayers for Children and Grandchildren” is reprinted from the Lutherans for Life web site.  There is also information on the newly disclosed financial troubles at Concordia University Wisconsin Ann Arbor.


One of the articles is “The Growth Of Our Faith,” by the late William F. Beck, primary translator of An American Translation of the Bible.


One of the articles is titled, “Man’s Chief End Is Not Political,” by Andrew T. Walker.


CN reprinted “Alistair Begg, Gay Weddings, and Love,” authored by Samuel Sey of the “Slow to Write” blog.  I linked to that fine commentary also, which was reprinted in The Christian Post as well.


“Our Adults Aren’t Adulting” is the title of a commentary by Albert Mohler Jr.


The issue among other things promotes the newly published book, Anatomy of an Implosion by Gregory R. Schulz.


If not for tradition, and some questionable overly-saccharin sentiment, I doubt any reasonable person would read the Scriptures and think Mary was not a normally married woman after Jesus was conceived,” begins a commentary titled “Mary Was Not Always A Virgin – A Pastoral Argument."


The lead story was “Christianity Is the Culture War,” by William Wolfe, where Wolfe expounded on the Incarnation in a fresh way.


Titles of articles in the first issue of 2024 include “And His Name Was Called Jesus,” “Free Speech,” “What Guides the Decisions of a Local Christian Congregation?”, “What Is The Armor of God?”, “Christian Zionism: A Bizarre Theological and Political Phenomenon,” “The Day God Burns Up the Earth,” “We Are Repaganizing,” and “When Lutherans Begin to Reject Lutheranism.”


Titles of articles in the last issue in 2023 include “A Call for Honesty About Childlessness,” “The Virgin Mary,” “The Rise of Christological Heresy,” “The Blessed State of Singleness,” “On the Radicals’ Takeover of Higher Education,” “Free,” The LGTQ Rewriting of History,” “Tiktok Jesus,” “Is Jesus Christ the Creator God?”, and “Forming African Lutherans to Be Teachers of the Faith.”


The lead story is “The Essence of Christmas Is Christ” by Rev. Daniel Fleischer.  “Do You Have More Knowledge Than Love?” by Rev. Dan Delzell is on p. 23 (that latter article, reprinted from the Christian Post, is also linked to at


71 year old Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Pastor Emeritus Stephen Lee is strongly criticized for highly publicized actions that he is facing five federal felony indictments for.  Lee traveled to Georgia to involve himself in election disputes there several years ago.  Prosecutors charged him with misconduct.  Lee denies wrongdoing.  Christian News Editor Philip Hale asks whether Lee inserted himself into a worldly spectacle.


“For the Bible Tells Me So: Speaker Johnson Points to the Bible and the Left Freaks Out” is a reprinted commentary from Albert Mohler in World.  Also, the Association of Confessing Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Congregations is starting a podcast in January, 2024, to be called “Standing on Shoulders.”  Below is the recommended reading list related to the venture:

“Fathers of the Church.” Herman Sasse. (The Lonely Way Vol. II.)

The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians

On Apostolic Preaching. Irenaeus

On the Incarnation. Athanasius

Catechetical Lectures. Cyril of Jerusalem

The Great Confession Concerning Christ’s Supper. Martin Luther. (LW vol. 37)

The Church and The Office of The Ministry. C.F.W. Walther

The Quest for Holiness. Adolf Köberle

How to Read a Book. Mortimer Adler and Charles Van Doren


The lead article was “What Does It Mean to Be Pro-Life?”, by Scott Klusendorf of Crossway.


The lead story is “Children Caught in the Crossfire: The Tragedy of Same Sex ‘Adoption,’” reprinted from Desiring God web site.


A couple of the articles are titled, “Media Lies About House Speaker Mike Johnson and the Ark Encounter” and “New Speaker Mike Johnson: ‘The Bible Is Very Clear That God Is The One That Raises Up Those Who Are in Authority.’”


Among the usual collection of significant news and commentary, there is the headline, “Books and Gifts Available from Christian News.”


An editorial titled, “Israel and Replacement Theology,” begins, “Political commitments and personal judgments aside, recent events have brought to light bad theology.”  The editorial is well worth reading and the book “The Church Is Israel Now” by the late Charles Provan is referenced.  I met Mr. Provan many years ago.  Other articles deal with the collapse of mainline Protestantism and the Thrivent insurance company, which has Lutheran tradition and roots.


Among numerous other interesting and significant items, there is a book review of Love Him For Us by Barbara Marquart Johnston.


The lead story is “Pastor, Not Entrepreneur.”  There are several articles on the sad decline of megachurch pastor Andy Stanley, including “Andy Stanley and the Road to Apostasy—A Christian Response.”  Another story is titled “Lutheran Pastor’s Leaked Confessional Touches Off Unholy Legal War.”  And there is other good content, also.


Among many other subjects covered, there is a long commentary titled “Lutherans for Racial Justice Convention Report.”


There were numerous articles about Rev. Stephen Lee, a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod emeritus pastor who has been charged with wrongdoing in allegedly intimidating an election worker in Georgia.  There were numerous analyses of this head scratching incident and situation.


Commenting on a think piece titled, “Why I stayed a pastor: A response to viral ‘great pastor resignation’ article,” the editor of CN states, “God’s Word speaks of the duty and obligation

God bestows in His calling to the public ministry. It is treated lightly by congregations and pastors themselves quite often, but is still holy and to be honored as God’s will. ‘Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood’ (Acts 20:28)”


There were several articles about J.R.R. Tolkien.


Dr. William Weinrich’s August 26 funeral sermon for Walter Dissen is reprinted.


Camp Trinity, in rural New Haven, Missouri, is celebrating 50 years of service.


There was an article from February 1, 2021 by Rev. Paul Harris on “Flame Lutheran Rapper.” Marcus Gray, who goes by the stage name “Flame,” was heavily promoted at the last Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod convention.  Harris is critical of “Flame.”


Among other articles, there was an obituary for Walter C. Dissen (1931-2023).  He “was known for his long and faithful service to the cause of confessional Lutheranism and for his strong support of the seminaries of the LCMS (Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod).”


There is an article titled “Prayer for Those Who Have Become Estranged from the Faith” by the late Richard Bolland.  Also, Micah Hill wrote a devotion titled “Confidence and Hope.”  Among many other articles and commentaries.


The lead story, among other good articles, was titled, “Seek Good and Turn from Evil: Make America Godly Again!”


The lead story, reprinted from The Christian Post, is titled, “Why Love Is Not God”.  There is a headline, “Thrivent Celebrates Sin,” referring to Thrivent Financial, which was founded by Lutherans, celebrating Pride Month.  There are also a couple of commentaries on Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod issues, one defending a six ordinary day creation, the other noting the reelection of Rev. Matthew C. Harrison as LCMS president.


There are several good Fathers Day messages and an open letter signed by a number of people to the Lutheran Church of Australia, which has long been not in unity on women’s ordination.


The edition includes comments from the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod presidential candidates and an analysis of those comments.


There is an article titled, “Why is the Christian Faith of a Detransitioned Navy Seal Being Downplayed in Right Wing Press?”  Also, there are two reports on a conference in Denver, Colorado, with the theme, “Getting Back to the Bible on the Age of the Earth”


Camp Trinity Academy in rural New Haven, Missouri is announced: “Camp Trinity Academy will exist to help local pastors and congregations mentor young men who are either interested in attending seminary some day or are simply interested in learning some theology. Enrollment is open for boys, ages 13 (or going into Eighth Grade) to 18 (or just graduated High School) who are members of confessional Lutheran congregations and have completed at least one year of Confirmation/Catechism instruction.”


One of the articles was titled, “Lauren Boebert, Whose Teen Son Got His Girlfriend Pregnant, Says She Doesn’t Want To ‘Nitpick What the Bible Says is Right and Wrong.’”

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, an outspoken MAGA Republican, wrote an autobiographical book that I had mixed reactions to, and also recently announced that she’s divorcing her husband with whom she shares four sons.  Disappointing in how she seems to living out her professed Christianity.

This issue of CN had nothing on build up to the upcoming Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod convention and nothing on internal LCMS issues generally.


The Director, Campus Services, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri, told CN: “The Concordia Seminary has asked that you stop sending your papers to our campus. We do not distribute them and now are receiving ind copies too. Please remove us from your distribution list moving forward.

CN responded in part: “We acknowledge, though respectfully decline, your request.”

Long-time CN founder-editor Herman Otten had similar interactions with Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri.


 An article titled “Is Therapy-Speak Making Us Selfish?” from is referenced.  The CN editor comments, “Therapy, as currently practiced allows no law or authoritative outside standard to be given. It merely reinforces the person and affirms them, no matter how wrong or evil they act. It works with a godless assumption that guilt is bad and nonexistent. But God’s Word is not afraid of telling us we are terrible sinners in all we do, even the so-called best of us. Extremely self-selfish people cannot have true friends—they only care about themselves. True friendship is built on sacrifice and love—modeled on our Savior, who was not afraid of us, but loved us enough to die physically and speak the truth to us.”

 There is also a long commentary from Dr. Gregory Schulz, who was suspended from Concordia University Wisconsin a few months ago.


There was a sermon titled “What Makes A Good Lutheran?” (Luke 7:36-50) by Andrew Preus.  There was also a funeral sermon and obituary for Barbara Johnston.


It was reported that 82-year-old Barbara Johnston, who was married to prominent theologian Kurt Marquart for many years, died on April 24.  Funeral service will be 11:00 am on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at Ascension Lutheran Church, 8811 St. Joe Road, Fort Wayne, with visitation beginning at 9:30 am. Visitation will also be from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Monday, May 1, 2023 at the church.

Mrs. Johnston was a good writer in her own right.


Not sure if this web site was an influence, but this CN issue included three items that were also linked to at Loyal Defender.

They are:

Disdaining the Crucifixion? - Juicy Ecumenism

Easter: God's Message of Grace and Justice (

Welcome to $$$$$$$ Easter: Lots of candy, booze and Jesus-free fun for half of America — GetReligion


There was an article titled “Super Supper Reverence and LCMS” by a retired pastor, arguing that some in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod have a practical Roman Catholic understanding of the Lord’s Supper, not one that is biblical and historically Lutheran.


The lead article was, “Rev S. T. Williams: ‘Pro-life,’ But Still Holds That Not Being Able to Freely Murder the Unborn Harms the Poor.”  Williams is a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod pastor in the Los Angeles area.  There is another long commentary, “Un-Christian Churches,” decrying lack of courage by churches, as well as much other material on a variety of subjects as usual.


The commentary, “Here I Stand,” by Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod college student Ryan Turnipseed is blasted, quoting CN, “I think these reactionaries see the error of race (in the religions of social and race justice), and then go and do the same thing in the other direction. This is sloppy, reactionary, and untheological….They do not realize they have more in common with the liberals—in being so politically and earthly minded.  True freedom is not a form of government, but faith in Christ who releases us from all guilt—this is something no human form of rule can do. They seem just as fickle and narrow-minded as those they detest, hell-bent on fighting error with more error.”  On the last page, it is stated, “Pastor Philip and Aubri Hale and their eleven children enjoyed their Spring Break at Camp Trinity with Pastor Andrew and Leah Preus, their six children and one on the way.”

At least the entire Turnipseed essay is reprinted in CN, because it allows the reader to see that it is very little like CN says it is.  I included a link to it on my web site on 3-15-23 and am doing so again.  It is very judgmental and inaccurate to call this piece “hell-bent,” in my opinion.

Here I Stand – Gab News

I posted my own comment on Facebook on March 10:

Ryan Turnipseed (his real name) is a 19 year old (maybe he’s 20 now) college student at Oklahoma State University. I will first note that I’m against racism. A few months ago, I reviewed Woke Church: An Urgent Call for Christians to Confront Racism and Injustice and Urban Apologetics: Restoring Black Dignity With The Gospel (this book won an award from Christianity Today) and gave five stars to both books. I like to think of myself as progressive on this issue. I don’t agree with Mr. Turnipseed’s remarks on interracial marriage. It might not be the greatest idea for practical reasons but there are no scriptural reasons to ban it. As do others, Mr. Turnipseed also sharply criticizes the new Luther’s Large Catechism book which includes essays by a wide variety of authors. I’m in the process of reading that huge volume myself and will reserve comment until I’m finished. Since that book is over 1,000 pages and there are other books I want to read also, it might take me a while Having said all that, Mr. Turnipseed’s (linked) commentary is interesting and well-written and researched and he offers documentation. Some of his remarks on Twitter have gone “viral,” which is remarkable given his youth.

At, I have a number of information links related to what Turnipseed is calling “The LCMS Subverted” matter. For any who may be interested, check last month and this month and also some comments on the latest Christian News newspaper at the sub-page created in April 2021. One can post responses/comments at (as well as here on Facebook, of course).


The lead article is “Why Are So Many Choosing Couches Over Pews.”  There are also two commentaries on problems with the “He Gets Us” media campaign.


The lead article is about a prominent Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod pastor who supports legal abortion.  The LCMS communications operation constantly speaks about being pro-life but the on ground reality may be different. Anonymous Twitter account, “The Mallard Reborn,” citing 2014 Pew Research that about 50% of LCMS members support legal abortion and homosexuality, said March 12: “All I can say is that the LCMS must have an incredible PR machine considering how well they've convinced the world that they are an überconservative church for all these years. These numbers are catastrophic. It's basically a mainline church.”  The CN issue again refers to attorney Corey J. Mahler’s “termination in the LCMS,” failing to correct last week’s error that Mahler was “excommunicated.”  The public statements by Mahler and his pastor indicate that Mahler is under “discipline,” but Mahler presumably still has the opportunity to offer a defense of himself.  (May 2023 update - Mahler's church in Knoxville, Tennessee has publicly confirmed that Mahler has been excommunicated.  Whether it's fully justified remains another question.)


“A Pastoral Response to [Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod] President [Matthew] Harrison’s Statement on Recent Online Unchristian Teachings and Disturbing Ideologies” by CN Editor Philip Hale, associate pastor at Zion Lutheran Church in Omaha, Nebraska, begins on page 8.  Hale claims in his long remarks, “Harrison, in his statement, mentions ‘a small number of online provocateurs’ (laymen). Whether a few online trolls (those who purposely say something controversial and one-sided to start an argument), riling up the politically liberal warrant an official presidential statement is a valid question. Is this a real concern? If you are not obsessed with the bowels of so-called ‘Lutheran twitter,’ then you can safely ignore it.”  (My question: can/should CN be “safely ignored” as well?)  Hale incorrectly states that attorney Corey J. Mahler, a leader among the “provocateurs,” was “excommunicated” from First Lutheran Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.  He was placed under “discipline” by the pastor and elders but was not excommunicated by the congregation, at least not yet.  The local police were enlisted to bar Mahler from the church premises.  Mahler says he has not received due process and says he was given no notice of the latest charges against him.  (May 2023 update - Mahler's church in Knoxville, Tennessee has publicly confirmed that Mahler has been excommunicated.  Whether it's fully justified remains another question.)

Commenting on some of Mahler’s many remarks on Twitter, Hale said, “Many of his inflammatory statements are to be condemned, yet not all are in the same category. Some are more theological in nature, while some are purely politically imbued with unbiblical theory about race and government. The thought that he was seriously affecting, or mis-directing, the LCMS in a substantial way is quite laughable…”  Hale argues that usual church politics is a factor in this situation.

Without extensively commenting here, I note that I include a number of links on this controversy on this web site.  I’m not as dismissive of this flap as Hale is.  I plan to continue covering this ongoing matter.


On page 2, there is a report “Lutherans in Australia and New Zealand Decline Women’s Ordination But Raise Possibility of ‘One Church, Two Practices.’”  A long statement “from the College of Bishops” starts on page 11.  These Lutherans have long been divided on women’s ordination.  There have been numerous votes in favor of it but not by two-thirds.  Since a two-thirds majority is required, male-only ordination continues.


 An article reprinted from Politico on “Common Good Constitutionalism” runs from pages 13-17.


Page 7, while including a letter critical of the new book with commentaries on Martin Luther’s Large Catechism, says that it is “truly childish” to refer to the controversy of this new book as the “Large Cataclysm.”  The issue also includes “Five Critical Questions About Living Together Before Marriage (and Chastity)” (which I’ve added to my web site) and “If You Do Church Right, Some of the Unchurched Will Love You and Some Will Hate You” (which I already linked to here).


Page 7 of this issue deals with the Luther’s Large Catechism commentary publication recently released by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod’s Concordia Publishing House and endorsed by LCMS doctrinal review.  It is stated that a Twitter “mob” caused overreaction.  19 year old LCMS layman Ryan Turnipseed’s (his real name) Twitter review is critically looked at.  Mr. Turnipseed’s Twitter review of the Large Catechism went viral, reportedly getting over 260,000 views – an incredible reach, whether warranted or not.  Even Christianity Today picked up the story.


There is a commentary on “The Sentimentality of Brutality,” discussing idolization of sports, especially football.  Good observations.  “Imposition of Ashes or Not” by Scott Blazek offers a suggested alternative to imposition of ashes on Ash Wednesday.  Lutheran Hour Ministries won an award for its annual float in the 2023 Rose Parade.  The “He Gets Us” has a weak if not totally wrong take on Jesus being a refugee.  1932 article by Edward Koehler on Infant Baptism (discussing Baptism generally) is reprinted.  “Pope Benedict’s Passing Means Conservative Catholics Lose Their Leading Light” is another reprinted article.


An article titled, “Life Together – Use Your Family Worship to Prepare for Corporate Worship” is on p. 23.


There were many reported items, including some that haven’t been reported that much elsewhere, which is often the case under editor Hale.  The last page talked about “The (Dis)Respect for Marriage Act” and Wyoming Senator Cynthia Lummis’s support of it.  The writer, Pastor Jonathan Lange, asked, “Is Senator Lummis Complicit, or Just Gullible?”


The lead article was a Statement from the Wyoming District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.  It is a VERY strong statement against the pro-same-sex “marriage” “Defense of Marriage Act” signed into law.  A very commendable stand was taken.  However, the piece fails to note that Wyoming Senator Cynthia Lummis VOTED FOR the “Defense of Marriage Act.”  At last report, she was a lay member of the LCMS, although presumably there have been behind the scenes discussions.  That’s important contextual information that should have been reported.

God the Crucified: A Statement from the Wyoming District of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (


One reprinted article was titled, “Poll: Religious Americans less worried about climate change.”  CN editor Phil Hale offered this remark: “How strange and unfaithful to preach about climate change—something God does not command. Since we do not control the climate as individuals, nor can we change it by ourselves—it must be preaching to the choir. True scriptural preaching addresses personal sin against God’s holy Law. It applies the forgiveness of sins in the power of the Gospel to individuals….”  I totally agree.  Preaching about climate change is ridiculous. 

Among the other stories was “12 Questions for the Would-Be Universalist,” by Michael McClymond (December 7, 2022, The Gospel Coalition.  A very well written article on a very important issue.


There were a number of pretty good articles.  There was a CNN reprint, “U2’s Bono Opens Up About Addiction and Faith in New Book.”  I’ve never understood the fascination with Bono, who also received glowing publicity in Christianity Today, where he was interviewed by liberal writer/podcaster Mike Cosper.  The public record shows that Bono is a huge supporter of abortion and homosexuality and has strong syncretistic tendencies.  CN is critical of Bono’s universalism.


In this issue, there was an article on the history of the Walther League, a once vibrant church youth organization that went out of existence in 1977.  There was also an index of articles and names from 2022.


Among the articles in this issue is “That Other, Less Attractive Side of Jesus” from Focus on the Family’s Daily Citizen.  I’m linking to that article myself.


A number of noteworthy items in this issue, including the obituary of Alvin Schmidt, a professor and author of many books.


The lead article was “The (Dis)Respect for Marriage Act Advances.”  Unfortunately, it has continued to advance.  I’ve posted a number of links on this subject myself.  Needless to say, the deterioration in Western civilization is sad, sad, sad.


The article, “How To Fail A Wife – Learning Marriage from a Bad Husband,” by Marshall Segal at Desiring God, was reprinted.  It was a very good commentary and I have now linked to it myself.


The edition among other things discusses Concordia University Texas’s proposal (illegal according to LCMS bylaws) to distance itself from the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.  The LCMS University System seems to be basically falling apart.


A leader at Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, Minnesota, expressed concerns about new Minnesota teaching standards that could minimize/deny foundational Christian beliefs on moral standards.  On another matter, new Italian leader Georgia Mlioni is quoted as affirming traditional Christian teaching on the family, and some pundits violently oppose what should be noncontroversial.


This issue includes among other things an article titled “Binding Our Digital Tongues – Bill C-11.”  The piece warns against authoritarianism and chilling of free speech in Canada.


The back page article was “If You Are A Christian Leader, You Should Have a Target on Your Back” by Michael Brown (also included among links).  There is also a commentary (rightly) criticizing gender-neutral Bible translations.


Very good lead article was “The Messy Home of Blessing – Why Children Are Worth the Chaos” by Marshall Segal of Desiring God ministry.  Another commentary eloquently and biblically took issue with a very weak piece on homosexuality by retired pastor Mark Schulz.


In my opinion, the best article in this issue was “Is There Any Evidence for Jesus Outside the Bible?” by J. Warner Wallace.  It deals with an important subject that isn’t always talked about.


The lead article notes that conservative theologian Michael Brown warns against obsession with politics.  The commentary, “A Letter to My Unrepentant Friend” (which I also linked to), is reprinted.  There is a long, very good commentary by the editor, noting that all major political parties should be critiqued and that some affiliated with parties disagree with their parties on points.  Also, in another comment, the editor remarks that Greg Eilers is not “repentant.”  It’s tough but I fully agree.  Mr. Eilers went transgender several years ago but then moved back from that but still seems to be okay with it in principle.  If he feels like it, he could turn back to it again.  At least that is what it sounds like to me.  There are other good items in this CN edition besides these.


This issue included an article titled, “The Life, Faith and Reign of Queen Elizabeth II,” by Joseph Hubbard, Director of Creation Research UK.  It was a good commentary that was worth reading, generally favorable to the Queen.


Probably the best article is “Ten Ideas for Grandparents and God-Parents to Pass the Faith on to That Generation.”  A couple of other articles argue that some Lutherans are not really Lutherans.  The sad situation in Canada with respect to euthanasia is also discussed.


This issue highlights the reprinted book, “Anatomy of an Explosion,” by Kurt Marquart, and offers the editor’s reflections on an apologetics seminar led by Dr. John Warwick Montgomery in Strasbourg, France.


This issue includes a reprint from, “Creation, The Image of God and Campaigns to Ban ‘Conversion Therapy;”


Christian News is reprinting Anatomy of an Explosion by Kurt Marquart, which was originally printed in 1977, about theological issues in Lutheranism.  The 150th anniversary of the Synodical Conference is celebrated and a possible theological conference in Concordia, Missouri in which real and alleged errors of Baptists will be discussed.


By far the best article in this issue is “The Secularization of the Passion” by living legend theologian John Warwick Montgomery, discussing the weaknesses and compromises in the 2022 Oberammergau Passion Play, a long time tradition in Germany.  Unfortunately, it seems that the latest performance is not faithful to the Bible and historic Christianity.  A tragedy.


The lead article is “Farewell Missouri” by Pastor Richard A. Bolland, who announces at the end of the piece that he has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.  Bolland offers his parting thoughts on The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, concluding with his agreement with the late Al Barry’s words, “Keep the message straight, Missouri.”  Elsewhere editor Philip Hale reports, “My wife and I had the pleasure of traveling to Strasbourg, France in July of this year to attend the 24th International Academy of Apologetics, Evangelism, and Human Rights. Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, Craig Parton, Dr. Donald T. Williams, and Dr. André Eggen taught a variety of topics.”  I attended the same program forty years and it is great that they also got to experience this.  Dr. Montgomery still seems to be in excellent health even though 90 years old


Article titles included “Ten Theses on God’s Arrangement of the Sexes,” “Criticism and Scripture,” “The Separation of Church and State,” “Being Christian When Civilization Collapses,” “Martin Luther’s Treatise on Usury,” and “Did Luther Teach That Christ Committed Adultery.”  Some of these pieces are from many years ago.


There were some articles on the fall of Roe v. Wade this time.  Article titles included “In Portland, Buddhist chaplains rise in popularity,” and “People Who Have Many Children Can Grow to Be Seminary and Synodical Presidents.”


There were again a number of diverse, good articles.  If I had to choose one, it would be the Voice of the Martyrs piece on the situation in Afghanistan.  There was nothing on the Dobbs Supreme Court decision, though.  Granted, the situation was discussed several weeks ago when the “leak” surfaced, but in the name of keeping up with “news” there should have been something in CN on this, this issue.


One of the articles notes that Nancy Pelosi has been denied communion in at least four Roman Catholic dioceses.  (My comment: she can still find numerous other ones to take the Lord’s Supper, especially in the Washington, D.C. area.)


The 2017 “Nashville Statement,” which defended biblical teaching on God’s creating us as male and female, is reprinted along with original signers.  This document got a splash when it came out but has already been kind of forgotten.  It was good to be reminded of it again.


One of the articles was “The Missouri Synod’s Second Greatest President.”  (In case anyone was wondering, he was John Behnken; C.F.W. Walther was the first.)


One of the articles is titled, “CUW (Concordia University Wisconsin) Job Opening for Assistant Professor Required: ‘a demonstrated commitment to anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion.’”


A number of interesting and significant articles and commentaries.  It is noted that Elon Musk, wealthy man who has been in the news a lot lately, was quoted as saying that he is “ok with going to hell” because the majority of others throughout history are going there too.  A really sad and tragic statement by Mr. Musk.


Perhaps the most significant article is the one that indicated that Concordia University Wisconsin hosted a lunch talk titled “Starting to Apply Critical Race Theory in Social Work Practice.”  Historically the South Wisconsin District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has been among the most conservative, so if there are significant problems even there, that is bad.  Some other LCMS colleges are having major deterioration; some have closed and others may be going in that direction.


There is a lot about the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion nationally many years ago.  Although I fully support the pro-life stance, I would have gone slow on this because nothing officially has been released yet.  The much discussed leaked document means nothing officially until or unless the U.S. Supreme Court formally declares otherwise.


Dr. Nicole Muth, professor at Concordia University Wisconsin, defends the University against some recent public criticisms and CN editor Phil Hale responds.


There was an extremely long review of Reformed theologian Michael Horton’s 2011 systematic theology book.  Rev. Paul Harris, Trinity Lutheran Church, Austin, Texas, wrote the review.


A full issue with a lot of worthy content.  The recent fiasco at Concordia University Chicago is thoroughly discussed.  A professor there went on an epic rant recorded on Youtube.  The CUC administration is trying to calm things down but many support the out of control professor.  On one level, the stand CUC leadership has taken is good, but this episode demonstrates that there are a lot of liberals at CUC, which bodes ill for the institution’s future, notwithstanding that some Lutheran conservatives have tried to talk up CUC and make it conservative.  I would be hard pressed to advocate CUC as a college for students to go to based on this sorry situation


Concordia University St. Paul Minnesota is severely criticized for liberal theology, including an abortion advocacy editorial in the student newspaper.  The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod university system seems to be totally falling apart, as is perhaps the whole denomination.  There is also a long review of Dr. Alvin Schmidt’s recent book, Faith Misused.


One of the big items in this issue is the report that there was a huge protest against having author/blogger/podcaster Matt Walsh speak at St. Louis University last December.  There was a very long list of people signed a statement objecting to Walsh, a conservative Roman Catholic who upholds biblical moral standards and who has written some excellent books.


The “metaverse” is discussed in several articles.  People should attend church in person barring extenuating circumstances; therefore, the “metaverse” is off base.  There is another piece indicating that the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has a huge pastoral shortage.


This issue again addresses the subject of “woke” at Concordia University Wisconsin Ann Arbor.  Concerns about Concordia University Chicago and Concordia University Irvine are not mentioned.  There are systemic problems in how the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod functions in that there are significant numbers who still sort of like ELCA/Seminex.  Official communication channels try to keep a lid on it.


 A lot of diverse articles in this issue as usual but I will focus on two.  “How Should a Lutheran View the Apocrypha?” by Pastor Mark Surburg, argues that it really isn’t that important to focus on the Apocrypha.  I made an effort to go through the Apocrypha last year and am doing so again this year.  I agree!  It’s just not the same as the generally recognized 66 biblical books.  However, Lutherans in recent years have pushed the Apocrypha.  Another article was “15 Things You May Not Know About J. R. R. Tolkien.” 


The issue looks at Russia-Ukraine in a couple of commentaries, including one titled, “The Thousand-Year-Old Religious Origins of the Ukraine War.”  The Kurt Marquart Fund is facilitating the distribution of theological literature in Haiti.  Marquart, a pastor-professor who died a few years ago, had a special interest in Haiti.


Lead article is about Dr. Gregory Schulz, recently suspended from Concordia University Wisconsin, after accusing it of being “woke.”  Schulz’s earlier article in CN got a big splash in the unofficial Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod media as well as in some secular media, more than any CN article in many years.  It will be interesting to see how all this shakes out.  Not that many years ago, CUW was considered one of the more conservative LCMS colleges, located in one of the most conservative LCMS areas.


The large bulk of this issue focuses on a paper by a Portuguese professor at a Lutheran seminary in Canada.  CN calls the document “alarming and heterodox,” and “satanic.”  Women’s ordination is promoted by the professor.


Issue includes a long commentary from Rev. Lincoln Winter on the 15th anniversary of Lutheran Service Book (yawn) and, without comment or amplification, “A Statement on Racial Prejudice” from the American Association of Lutheran Churches.  It’s a good statement but perhaps more could be said about the background and context behind it


It had been a while since CN addressed specific Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod issues.  The lead article in this issue accuses an LCMS college of seeking a “woke president.”  It is also mentioned that United Church of Christ clergywoman Mallory Everhart is a graduate of the LCMS-affiliated Concordia University Nebraska.  Everhart has a photo proclaiming “Queer Joy” on her Twitter account.  Although the LCMS is often conservative, maybe even ultraconservative, the denominational hierarchy often tries to keep on lid on the fact that there are a significant number of liberals in the LCMS, or who have roots in the LCMS.


Perhaps the most notable article was a report on the trial of Paivi Rasanen and Juhana Pojola in Finland, for quoting what the Bible says on homosexuality, and indicating that they actually believe the Bible.  The two conservative Lutherans are facing fines and even possible jail time.  There was a hearing on January 24 but unfortunately the situation still hasn’t been resolved yet.  Another hearing is scheduled for February 14.


Among other things, this issue included an essay titled “Headship: Christ is Lord Over His Church and All Things,” delivered by Pastor Philip Hale at the Association of Confessional Evangelical Churches conference in 2021.  Also, there are notes on the 2022 Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne Symposia.  The Fort Wayne, Indiana seminary web site says that it has “the finest theological seminary faculty in the world, bar none.”  (How is it possible to measure that?)


Headlines in this issue include “Daily Bible Reading: A Confession” (touting the practice of morning daily Bible reading), “A Violent Baptism?”, “Jesus Brings a Sword, Not Peace” (based on Matthew 10) by Mark Surburg (referenced on my blog here on 1-1-22), “In Catholic Italy, ‘De-Baptism’ Is Gaining Popularity,” “Objective Justification, the 1517 Project, and Gay Christians” (nobody I know of has yet commented on the bad Daystar Journal commentary referencing Objective Justification), “Confessions of a Former People-Pleaser,” “Why Aren’t Christians More Loving?”, “Direct Threat to Religious Liberty: Legislative Bans on Conversion Therapy…”, and “Reformed Church in America Splits and Conservatives Form New Denomination.” 


Titles of articles included “False Race Narratives,” “It’s Time to Stop Denying Reality About Transgender Athletes,” “30 Trillion and Counting: How Should Christians Think About the National Debt,” and “Karl Marx” (analysis of his bad life and influence).  There is a very helpful discussion of rationalism and pietism in the light of God’s Word.


The lead article is titled, “The Consequences of Denying Inspiration [of the Bible].”  Another article includes the editorial comment: “Public disrespect for any person, let alone our government leaders who Christ tells us to pray for, is shameful for a pastor. Yet another sign of how politics is overtaking the minds filled with little to no doctrinal substance.”  There has not been much in CN lately about current Lutheran news/issues, such as the universalistic commentary by Dr. Norman Metzler on Daystar.


The first issue of 2022 was a strong one.  Lead article was “Taking the Trinitarian Christ Out of Christmas.”  Another article was “You’re Not a Christian If You Only Adore the Baby.”  Still another article notes that contrary to some belief, the Republican Party is overall not that hot on LGBT issues, though still overall better than Democrats.  The back page highlights newly made plaques which state, “Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word.”


 This issue includes a very good lead article, “Begotten, Not Made,” a 1948 sermon from Walter A. Maier that the editor gave a generally favorable but mixed review to, a Russian Orthodox statement opposing sodomy, a commentary opposing women leading in churches, as is done in some Southern Baptist churches, and a notice of the death of Lutheran creationist David Menton.


There were some good sermons as well as thought-provoking discussion of the movie series The Chosen.  And more.


This issue includes a very strong sermon on being a fool in preparing for death, an extremely important concern that is particularly relevant given certain developments in the church.  Among other things, a new movie on C.S. Lewis is favorably publicized.  The editor comments, “Yes, Lewis had major doctrinal errors, since he was an evolutionist Anglican. He did not claim to be a theologian, by his own admission, but a writer of fiction and literature. However, he was a gifted writer and communicator, and spoke very articulately as an intellectual layman who confessed Christ as Lord.”


Commenting on a conference discussing the seemingly never impact of you know what, the editor wrote, “I find it surprising that not one speaker is said to have called this pandemic a divine warning to not trust in man and his (medical or virtual) technologies, but turn from his pride and self-trust to the merciful Christ.”


Besides many other articles, this issue on p. 10 reprints an article from the New Yorker on the late religious skeptic, Rachel Held Evans, who is held in high esteem in the secular world, mainline liberal Protestantism and by former Christianity Today editor Mark Galli, among others.  Relatively few criticize her.  CN rightly editorialized against her unbelief.


The lead article was “Elite Evangelicalism’s Allergy to Complementarianism” by Denny Burk, a blogger and Southern Baptist professor.  (The same article was linked here, over a month ago, when the piece was first published.)  As have others, Burk decries the disastrously bad performance of Mark Galli as editor of Christianity Today magazine.  Truly a sad and unnecessary tragedy that more should be taking issue with.


There were articles on Mr. Biden receiving Communion and on LGBT activist Brenda Sue Fulton being nominated to oversee military chaplains.  Also about how TV lied about abortion and about the shocking and wrong trend toward sterilization (no future society if everyone did that).  A lot about exemptions for Covid vaccines.  Although some and even many may push back on this view, the CN editor (correctly) sees it as shaky at best to say that Scripture says one can’t get vaccines.


Rev. William Mugnolo wrote, “While now out of office, he has left behind a number of significant achievements. Among them were his strong defense of the pro-life cause and his advocacy for worldwide religious freedom. He has also received multiple nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. But despite these and other accomplishments, Mr. Trump’s term was marred by his childish, egotistical behavior. So often he seemed more concerned about his own ‘brand’ than in being the leader of the free world. His narcissistic personality has been a prime factor that, in time, led to two impeachments and his being voted out of office.”  Jonathan Rupprecht wrote on the relevant subject of “The Church Militant.”  The fact that Mexico is decriminalizing abortion is reported (which I haven’t seen in American news sources that I consult).  A number of articles critical of Joyce Meyer are reprinted, including one by a man who used to work for her organization.


 There is a very good article by Rev. Roberto Rojas, titled, “Cross-Dressing: An Attack on Our Sons and Daughters.”  That is a very important issue that is addressed well.  There was other good material as usual but that piece was probably the highlight.


Among other things, the fact that Dr. Anthony Fauci identifies as a secular humanist is highlighted.  He was named “Humanist of the Year.”  That might help to explain biases.  Biden of course elevated his influence after becoming president.  Most importantly, Dr. Fauci’s status as a humanist is not good for his standing before God on a personal level.


 Among other things, a lengthy article from Politico on Joe Biden’s association with the Roman Catholic Church, is reprinted.  


 The key article in this issue in my opinion was a critical report on Trinity Lutheran Church in downtown St. Louis, Missouri.  The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod congregation sounded somewhat liberal.  There’s no doubt that some LCMS churches are liberal and Evangelical Lutheran Church in America-friendly.  Some regularly act like the LCMS has no association whatsoever with the ELCA but it doesn’t take much digging to see that it still does.  What if anything will ever be done about this?


Given that in God’s timing any of us could die for any reason at any time, the most important item in this issue was from “Way of Life”: “Warning: There is no vaccination against death. If you haven’t settled the issue of eternal salvation, you need to get saved by faith in Jesus Christ before it is too late, and then you can trust Christ to hold your life in His good hands. Elderly people in particular must be ready to die of something. At the end of the day, something will ‘break through’ and get you and Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson can’t save you. ‘For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord’ (Romans 6:23). Seek Jesus Christ!”  Also, there was a discussion of what religions and sects truly have legitimate, documented objections to vaccines.


This issue among many other things takes issue with a church offering blanket “religious exemption” papers against Covid vaccination (while also calling Covid government guidelines “illogical”).  In another brief commentary, the observation is made: “Liberals, especially Lutherans like Martin Marty paved the way for Lutherans to want to appear more evolved and reasonable than ‘simple Bible believing Christians.’ Yet, we know for sure what is of God from Scripture. In this truth we must remain steadfast. Too many hip Lutherans today do not want to appear fundamentalist, or be labeled as such, and so try to find Christ apart from or without the words of Holy Scripture—pitting Christ against the authority of His Word.”


 The lead article in this issue is “The Binding Key: The Lutheran Theology of Church Discipline” by Pastor Roberto Rojas.  In remarks about a recent unofficial theological conference, the editor of CN rightfully comments that every Christian man, woman and child should be concerned about sound doctrine and practice.  Leaders should be respected and honored, but it’s not a concern of just the leaders


 A very strong issue with many significant articles.  The conservative Lutheran signers of a statement supporting conservative Lutherans in Finland are listed.  Unbelievably, several conservative Lutherans in Finland are being charged with crimes simply for putting out material stating what the Bible says about homosexuality.  Leaders of the generally conservative International Lutheran Council as well as the arguably even more conservative Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference support the embattled Lutherans in Finland, as they should.  Not everyone in that camp (such as more liberal theologians like John Nunes and Jeff Mallinson) might agree.  This issue also reprints Dr. Martin Noland’s “A History of Christian Denominations” (which has been on this blog since June 20, 2020).


This issue includes among other things a reprint from an article from 1942 titled, “The Progressive Revelation of the Antichrist,” by P.E. Kretzmann, where Kretzmann argues that the Pope is the Antichrist.  The points in the article are worth considering.  It seems like almost nobody, including a large bulk of professing Lutherans, are that critical of the Roman Catholic Church for unscripturally exalting Mary, etc.


Among other significant articles, there is one (reprinted by titled “How Evangelicals Abandoned Christianity – and Became ‘Conservatives’ Instead.”  The editor made sensible comments about it, noting among other things that the Gospel, not political activism, should be paramount.


A key takeaway comment in this issue: “It does not serve those in error to harangue their motives and actions, nor does burying one’s head in the sand and living in one’s own isolated theological ghetto lead to divine unity in the Gospel.”


Under Pastor Philip Hale, CN has often found stories that are not generally seen elsewhere.  This issue includes a sermon, “The Reversal of Human Judgment,” by James Mozley, from the book, “The World’s Great Sermons.”  There is a report on a Supreme Court decision that favored the Amish.  There is a commentary appropriately very favorable to “The Chosen” movie series.  An article from the Oregonian discusses financial transactions related to the now closed Concordia University Portland.  The closed school’s parent denomination has not been transparent about the situation at Concordia University Portland (Oregon).


This was a strong edition of Christian News, including trenchant commentaries on theistic evolution, sodomy, Mark Twain, Roman Catholic Church communion policy, North Korea, the dangers of the Masonic Lodge (with testimony of someone who left), Islamic brutality in Nigeria and Scientology.  Many other outlets are not or barely covering these issues.  Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod figures John Nunes and Jeff Mallinson are again called out for errant views expressed.


The lead article by Roger Kovaciny, “What a Friend We Have in Mary,” blasts the Roman Catholic Church for purgatory, indulgences and Mariolatry.  It is a very strong piece that one hardly hears at all today.  Hopefully many Roman Catholics don’t in practice believe the unbiblical ideas that are officially taught.  Good that CN openly opposes these errors.  CN also among other things published an article defending biblical creation from


The long essay, “God’s Mandate for Righteous Anger,” was reprinted from God's Mandate for Righteous Anger (  It was written by an unnamed Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod layman and is EXCELLENT.  (Having it unsigned keeps focus on issues, but, still, all in all, to have such pieces signed is better in my opinion.)  There are other good, thought provoking and original articles, sermons, and commentaries in this issue but the righteous anger essay was clearly the highlight.  It addressed a very important concern.


 This issue included an article on church discipline from the 1800s, a commentary arguing that tattoos are sinful, commentaries addressing so-called trans pastors, articles about population control, news about Saddleback Church in California, a report that some criticized the Governor of Utah for praying for rain, still more on COVID, and a news piece titled, “Twitter Suspends Politician’s Account for Saying That Men “Cannot Get Pregnant”


 This issue included “The Liberals Who Can’t Quit Lockdown” from The Atlantic, which wasn’t that relevant for a Christian newspaper the first time it was reprinted in the 5-24-21 CN (pp. 10-11).  There were two different but similar editorial notes but what is going on?  On the front page Fred Schwarz’s classic You Can Trust the Communists to be Communists was recommended.  CN founding editor Herman Otten also blasted Communism in his classic book Baal or God.  That book has not been mentioned in CN since his successor became editor.



Included in this issue are articles about Roman Catholic churches hanging rainbow pride flags, the new Texas fetal heartbeat laws, and not letting culture wars detract from preaching the Gospel.



Besides other articles/commentaries on a variety of topics, including marriage and children (a frequently addressed topic), the issue included a press release from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, about newly elected ELCA bishop Megan Rohrer, a born woman person who now identifies as transgender.  This was news that came out two weeks earlier and is the only specific item in CN to date on this subject.



Articles on church/worship along with commentaries were among the pieces in this edition of CN.




This issue included among many other things the Cornwall Declaration on Environmental Stewardship.  CN commented, “It is rare to find a balanced take on environmental issues.”  The document may be read online at The Cornwall Declaration On Environmental Stewardship (



Commenting on a recent statement from a college, CN editorialized in this issue, “This statement tries to be open to friendly discussions about perverse forms of sexuality, while also being faithful to the Scriptures. That is not possible. It is not enough that sin is accepted and tolerated by the world, it also demands that sinful choices be praised and given positive ‘support.’ But God’s Word demands that sin not be supported, but rather condemned and the sinner called to repentance. Living a sinful life—contrary to His Word and creation— does not please the almighty, but angers Him.


“Christ’s death is not a license to treat sin as neutral and no big deal. Not all sexuality is good and normal, in fact, only according to God’s design in His institution of marriage is it used rightly. Human identities and choices apart from His will are evil. So to accept a definition of ‘gender’ as something that can be disconnected from God’s created biology is not Christian.


“We may not define sexuality for ourselves, according to the flesh and sinful mind. Using, without biblical discrimination, is a very poor way to set the stage for theological discussion. To ‘dialogue’ means to accept beforehand that all sides and viewpoints are equal. But that is obviously not the case with what God expressly condemns, so it cannot be loving. ‘Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality …’ (1 Cor. 6).


“To listen without the possibility of rejection or condemnation is acceptance, pure and simple. The statement seems to be asking: ‘How can we welcome sinful lifestyles, while also having the appearance of faithfulness?’ We may not deny God’s will and intent in our creation as male and female. This is a high calling— a holy calling—that no Christian may dismiss, without denying the Lord who made all people.”



This issue notes among other things that Dr. Carl Schalk, an acclaimed church musician, belonged to an independent liberal Lutheran congregation, not a congregation affiliated with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.  The provocative essay, “The New Castrati: Contemporary Worship and the Triumph of Effeminacy,” by Rev. Jeff Hemmer, is also reprinted.



In this issue, Rev. Scott Murray, Memorial Lutheran Church, Houston, Texas, wrote: “The baby boomer project attempting to make Christianity less offensive to the continuously offended has failed. It has left many churches utterly supine, unable to respond faithfully to the declining culture and its false messiahs. Many American churches are simply fighting for sexual degeneracy, and all manner of ‘wokenesses’ under the guise of what are called ‘justice and equity.’ They certainly have no time for the Savior whose church it is; the Savior who gives Himself for sinners. When nothing done by humans could be classified as sin, what good is a Savior from sin?


“When the only shameful things are acts, words, or deeds that offend against ‘wokeness,’ who needs a Savior who suffers and dies? In a world where your deeds can be dredged up from your college yearbook and weaponized against you, who needs a merciful Christ that swallows down your depravity and returns your life to you cleansed by His precious blood? In a day when love has grown cold, how can the Savior’s love unknown to the loveless shown, lead us to a love that covers a multitude of sins? Such a Savior is inconvenient, because He makes it impossible for us to destroy others in the forum of public opinion. The churches have not preached this Christ who serves us. Therefore, we can find no way to serve one another. We can only devour each other, chew upon each other, and spit each other out. O Lord Jesus, save us from such a world! This the Christian difference: The God who serves (Mk 10:45).


“Jesus has come for just this purpose. He comes  not to fix a world broken, but to save His dear children from this present evil age by giving His life as a ransom. Because the world is fallen and frustratingly fractured, we feel held hostage by the madness. We feel as though someone has ordered us to stay home behind locked doors (Oh, wait! We feel that way because someone has!). Our Lord has come to rescue us from being taken hostage in Satan’s dominion. He will not leave us in the clutches of the enemy. He comes to serve us in the place of our exile and defy our enemy, throwing down the page of God’s Word, ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God’ (Mt 4:4).



More articles about not forsaking assembly, the resurrection of Christ, the idol of personal safety with respect to COVID, a generally critical review of a popular book called “Confronting Christianity” (I’ve read it), opposing Pelagianism, opposing transgender, returning to Scripture, the perpetual victimhood of the black lives matter movement, and Camp Trinity in rural Missouri where CN is based.  Fine reading as usual.




Among the articles in this issue are strong commentaries opposing cohabitation before marriage, on the basis of Scripture.  It is a major concern in both the church and in society.  A good book that addresses it (among many other topics) is Dear Son: A Father’s Advice on Being a Man by David Bruskas, who points out that simply avoiding to go “all the way” before marriage is not what God calls couples to do.




Many great articles emphasizing the resurrection of Christ.  Trail of Grace by Rev. M.J. Nicolaus defends baptizing babies.  Mychal Massie emphasizes evangelism and NOT political activities, going so far as to say that political machinations are basically worthless.  Rev. Timothy Koch wrote, “Reading the Bible Out Loud With Beginning Readers.”  Very important help in discussing this very important issue.  Very important to train in the home as well as in church.




Great lead article reprinted from the Christian Post on how Christ-followers can be “offensive” without overtly trying to.  Trinity Evangelical Divinity School is taken issue with for not distancing itself from the late Ravi Zacharias, who apparently fooled many people, tragically.  The Brooklyn Tabernacle, which also had Ravi speak many times, did put out a statement lamenting Ravi’s legacy.  Beth Moore is called a celebrity preacher.  When secular, generally anti-Christian sources like New York Times and Washington Post feature Moore on the front page, that should be a clue that something is off with Moore.  John MacArthur is defended on religious freedom.  Indeed, there should be an honest, robust discussion on that topic.  When Satanists are able to promote Satanic statues under the banner of so-called “religious freedom,” that is not good.




Editor Philip Hale blasted Dr. John Nunes’s latest book (said there was nothing good about it), and said that Dr. Nunes, president of Concordia College New York (which collapsed and was sold to the Roman Catholic Iona College under his presidency), should be subject to discipline.  Hale said that Nunes was a theological liberal, though not particularly clear or honest about it.  Founding CN editor Herman Otten also was extremely critical of Nunes.  I had a few critical comments about Nunes in CN as well.  However, Dr. Nunes remains popular in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and has been popular in the LCMS for years.  Past CN criticisms of Nunes seem to have gone nowhere.  Pastor Hale may be the only LCMS pastor to publicly call for the correction of Nunes.  A few weeks ago I read the book, Wittenberg Meets the World (2017), which Nunes coauthored with Alberto L. Garcia.  In the Eerdmans published book, Nunes wrote on p. 78, “If, however, we are speaking of the LCMS, I have long maintained that the range of the axis is from ultra-conservative to moderate. There are very few LCMS-ers who are theologically liberal.”  Many in the LCMS agree with that ear tickling opinion which doesn’t really tell it like it is.  In other items in this CN, several major articles were written by Baptists, including a piece by Albert Mohler.  I’ve been going through Albert Mohler’s outstanding book, The Gathering Storm.  It’s a good thing that CN reprints sound opinion pieces written by Baptists.




A lot of good material on the very bad so-called Equality Act, which promotes homosexuality, harming one’s body to be something other than what God created one to be, etc.  Southern Baptists are shown as taking a good stand on the subject.




First of all, possibly noteworthy items that have NOT been printed in CN.  Nothing about the deaths of Rush Limbaugh or John Moldstad.  Nothing about new developments in the collapse of Concordia University Portland.  In the latest CN, some good commentaries as usual.  Statement from Gracelife Church in Canada which is closed down by the government supposedly due to COVID concerns.  Also government restrictions on religion in the People’s Republic of China.  These are subjects that CN seems to be basically unique in covering – not aware that those specifics are elsewhere.  CN also reported that the International Lutheran LayMEN’s League, which runs the Lutheran Hour Ministries web site, may now have women on its board.  A bylaw change is proposed to allow that.  Given that thousands of churches now broadcast on the Internet, the Lutheran Hour is hardly distinctive anymore and has not been for years.  It is not that conservative anymore either, as evidenced though its very lame “Thred” outreach effort.  The Lutheran Hour Ministries operation has been often lackluster lately could consider disbanding or merging with someone else.  Some past efforts have been good, though.  There needs to be an honest assessment as to where the group is currently at.




Among other excellent commentaries, the lead article by Mychal Massie on the cultural situation where many churches are seemingly supportive or silent on the sin of abortion.  CN did an OUTSTANDING job in reprinting the terrific commentary that Max Lucado wrote in 2004 on same sex marriage.  Unfortunately, the Crosswalk site took it down and it is unclear whether Lucado still stands by it but God’s Word still stands.  Lucado seems to have caved after he got flak for speaking at the ultraliberal Washington Cathedral in Washington, D.C.  Ultraliberal Episcopalians who run that Cathedral blasted him.  Lucado wound up pleasing nobody.  The prestigious edifice should not have the prominence that it does.  I’ve been inside it many times.  The Lutherans used to hold a joint Reformation service there.  Often when a president dies, the funeral is held there.  At the George H.W. Bush funeral, there was a minor stir when Donald Trump and his wife remained silent during the recitation of the Apostles Creed.  The truths of the Apostles Creed should be affirmed but just being a warm body in a room mouthing the words without thinking or really believing is not too meaningful.  The mainline Episcopal Church (there are some breakaway Anglicans who are more conservative) has long tolerated not affirming the virgin birth and other fundamental doctrines, not to mention non-fundamental biblical doctrines.  They are all in in NOT affirming marriage as defined in the Bible.  It is long overdue that the Washington Cathedral be called out for this.  One should willingly NOT associate with it and give the God-honoring reasons why not.




Very good lead article by Pastor Paul Harris on obeying the government, as mandated in Romans 13.  It is a basic concept that is easy to understand but nevertheless is widely rejected, including among many who profess to be conservative.  Harris deals with the text and the interpretations of it (many of which are wrong).  Another article warns about excessive consumption of conservative news.  Although I am often conservative, I have always believed in reading widely and not just in the “conservative” camp.  Among other helpful articles is a piece on the government crisis in Myanmar (Burma), where Christians are facing great danger.  This very concerning situation has gotten very minimal coverage in the U.S. media.




Good commentaries and information about the unceremonious collapse of Concordia College New York.  Among other good articles, good remarks from Michael Brown on the political scene.  In my opinion, the smart conservatives are acknowledging that the conservative camp took a hit with the January 6, 2021 events, and Dr. Brown expressed that pretty well.  Another commentary notes that Dr. Wayne Grudem’s position on creation isn’t the best.  Sadly, Dr. Grudem is not alone in this among those who are generally otherwise conservative.  Good reminder the Camp Trinity is doing good work.




Great lead article on a Christian response to unrest and fine commentary by Mychal Massie on being faithful, as well as other good pieces.  Hopefully by God’s grace we can finally get by the Covid situation and it looks promising that we can.  Surprising that there was nothing about the collapse about Concordia College New York (though the subject was well addressed in past editions).  The death of Evangelical Lutheran Synod President John Moldstad was not yet mentioned either.




Very perceptive article reprinted from First Things on the danger of the idolatry of politics.  Other fine articles warning about the dangerous times.  It is too bad that some churches have not adequately addressed the textual criticism issue after all these years.  CN called a recent official commentary on the subject “worthless,” given that no specific individuals were censured.  All in all, a very strong edition of CN.




Among other things, good commentaries on taming the tongue and on taking issue with the false prophecies regarding a U.S. presidential election.  Although one such false prophet released a nuanced statement of repentance, many others still stand by the false prophecies, which is a separate issue as to whether the elected president is a good president espousing God-honoring policies.  A syncretistic prayer is rightfully blasted.  Sadly and tragically, there appears to be much more syncretism/idolatry still coming and already happening.  CN remains cautious in being overtly political, which can be a good thing.  CN foundationally rightfully warns about judgment for those who reject Christ.




Some good articles as usual.  On the last page CN’s managing editor asks, ““So what are the Norwegians saying about America - don't we look crazy right now!! I can't even watch the news. You don't know who to believe.”  An American pastor now serving in Norway points to the foundational truth of the Bible but is nonspecific about current events.  I think CN could be doing more to directly address issues relating to the current crisis in America.  In my opinion, one has to acknowledge that professing conservative Christians have taken a hit and that many liberals/secularists have valid concerns and observations.  Shocking to me how many conservatives who I have otherwise past respected have gotten to be so far out and wrong (at least in my opinion), in some cases horrendously judgmental.  Among other things, the concept that some claim to have been audibly told by God that Mr. Trump will remain in office, should be challenged.  It’s not something that is taught in the authoritative Bible.




Lead article was “The LCMS Since 1974,” repeating grievances that have been mentioned before and that will probably never be resolved.  Some other decent articles but there perhaps could have been more about current issues, like the bad prayer that a Democrat congressman offered and President Trump’s seeming ambivalence toward lying and lawlessness. I understand, though, that it’s tricky offering comments on such issues.



Good articles by Mark Nicolaus, Tim Bayly, Faith McDonnell, among others.  It is again noted in CN that a woman in a same sex government recognized marriage has been involved in Lutheran leadership, noting again that she did illustration for a Lutheran book publisher (where a top executive recently abruptly died similar to Ananias and Sapphira and Rachel Held Evans).  The woman in question seems to be a theological liberal generally and is associated with a Lutheran college with strong ties to the American Lutheran Publicity Bureau (which former CN editor Herman Otten rightfully said was apostate).  CN says nothing transparent is being done on this matter.  It’s a big issue as I noted in commenting on the 11-16-20 CN.  Almighty God notices if it is swept under the rug.



The new editor of CN completed a successful year.  Issue again included some good articles, devotions and commentaries.  Not sold that the piece denouncing facial coverings was helpful.  Without going into reasons why, I do agree with the mainstream medical consensus that facial coverings can be helpful in avoiding COVID.  However, it seems that the more “conservative” one is, the less likely one is to agree.  In any event, people should have freedom to express views and some governments are too draconian but it might not be helpful to go too far the other way.  I don’t see facial coverings addressed in Scripture one way or the other.  The CN index indicates that relatively few books were reviewed in CN in 2020.  It could perhaps be a goal to have more books reviewed/mentioned in CN in 2021.




Good commentaries by David French, Tom Brock, Gene Veith and others.  Great to see the Christmas letters and pictures from the Hale family and from the Otten family.  Hale has almost completed a successful first year as the editor of CN.




Although there are many noteworthy items in this issue, perhaps the most significant were the articles related to Rev. Paul T. McCain, who died unexpectedly at 58.  He had a long record of service to the church and did a lot of blogging.  He and the founding editor of CN clashed somewhat, even though CN favorably publicized Paul early on.  I had a little bit of contact with Paul.  I join others in saying that he will be missed and that a large bulk of his work was effective and helpful.  There were great tributes and witnesses from his children upon his death.  CN published interesting and good articles (from the 1990s) by Paul in this issue.



A front page article again (rightly) took issue with the lesbian same-sex married deaconess who has been preaching at Concordia College New York, a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod-affiliated school.  The LCMS opposes homosexuality but somehow this slipped through the cracks.  No apparently public indication that anything is being done even now.  The deaconess is a supporter of the late Rachel Held Evans, who died totally unexpectedly at only 37 in spring 2019.  CN was on top of this and published articles about the facts of Mrs. Evans in its 4-29-20 and 5-13-19 editions.  Some were extremely opposed to calling Mrs. Evans a false teacher (which she was—and unrepentant false teachers by definition do not inherit the kingdom of God).  Other articles rightly support a traditional non-sacramental interpretation of John 6 and rightly oppose a Lutheran Forum article (written by an LCMS pastor) on racial reparations.  CN is right on both of those matters, but will CN’s viewpoint go anywhere?  It would go good if so but also extremely surprising if so.  It would require Concordia Publishing House and other prominent church officials to publicly acknowledge being wrong.



Lead article is by a decades-long Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod theology professor defending himself.  He says that the accusation that he is theologically liberal is totally wrong.  Whatever the merits or lack thereof against him, it is hard to imagine that anything officially will be done, given his many years of service.  A commentary rightfully blasting Nadia Bolz-Weber indicates that nothing officially has been done at Concordia College New York, which has had close associations with Valparaiso University (nominal at best in terms of biblical fidelity).  As long as LCMS maintains a connection with Valpo, however lukewarm it may or not be, there will be problems.  It seems unlikely that the LCMS will ever totally dump Valpo, even though the living Lord warns us to not be lukewarm (Revelation 3:14-22).  These are vital issues that should be addressed WITHOUT DELAY.




Good devotional articles to start the issue.  Shows problems in the LCMS with prayer in New York City many years ago, a very weak article by a Concordia College New York professor, and administrative problems, and building on the egregious problems exclusively reported last week.  If little to nothing winds up being done, as seems likely, raises questions as to why one should be in the LCMS even though there are conservative writings and actions that can also be pointed to.  The “’Justification by Faith’ Is a Slogan” headline shows a questionable emphasis, possibly totally wrong.  It’s much more than a “slogan.”  It’s an essential truth: grace alone, faith alone, Scripture alone, Christ alone.  Much more could be said in terms of analysis.




Courageous major expose in the lead article titled “Legally Married Lesbian Leader at Concordia College New York.” It has far reaching implications for the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.  CCNY’s president, John Nunes, has a long history of not being that conservative (if conservative at all) as I commented myself in the 11-12-18 CN.  There was other documentation (which seemingly went nowhere) about Nunes then too.   Other excellent articles included a pastoral letter on the ongoing pandemic and again taking issue with Gottesdienst for its Roman Catholic doctrine of the mass.




Good to see Rev. Mark Surburg oppose Roman Catholic doctrine of purgatory, something an LCMS pastor was shaky at best in doing in First Things a few months ago as was reported in Christian News.  Good commentary by Wayne Grudem on the election.  Why is Rev. Lincoln Winter in the LCMS if it is as bad as all that and what about those in the LCMS who are shaky?  How does that fit in?  Poland opposes abortion.  Good to learn about persecution and martyrdom in Vietnam and Haiti.




As I’ve previously argued, not sold that being adamant on using the word “Lutheran” is good or essential, especially in today’s context.  “Risky Christianity” article and Brent McCracken’s Gospel Coalition apologetics commentary were good.  Robert Preus’ essay on Bible authority from over 25 years ago was good but it seemed a little puzzling as to why it was reprinted again, right now.




Some good articles, commentaries and sermons.  Probably good to avoid the overtly political.  The reprinted interview with Mark Galli was educational but I would not have printed it without comment.  He should not basically get a pass for becoming Roman Catholic after having been an editor of an Evangelical magazine for many years.




Not a particularly impressive issue.  Some good articles and some okay articles but I referenced better ones on my web site. Pretty good comment on political position, a very controversial subject.  Some might push back but I think merit to position.




Marriage is man and woman based on Adam and Eve.  Good to take issue with some high church Lutheranism. Tim Challies on public schools.  Cultural Marxism grinding Christianity down.  Good points in why Christians are turning on their parents.  Sorry to read about financial problems at Camp Trinity.  We actually considered vacationing there but chose the Black Hills in South Dakota instead, mostly because it was closer to us.




Good analysis on what confession is and isn’t.  To me, many have given the impression that repeating preset words in a robotic way is what confession is.  I don’t think that’s what it is biblically.  Also rightly taking issue with a robotic approach to communion.  California dream house is in ashes.




Satan’s press secretary – great points.  Also great commentary on politics and political parties, though some conservatives may take exception.  Great commentary on idolatry of the Lord’s Supper.  However, many LCMS Lutherans have been teaching and practicing the opposite for years.  Former Lutheran Witness editor Adriane Heins was big on the opposite.  Worship protest in Seattle.  Great to strongly oppose Pete Buttigieg.  Spiritism in black lives matter.  Facebook censoring “Exposing the ELCA.”  Horowitz defends South Dakota.  All in all, a very strong issue.




Not sold that all actions against racism are wrong.  Depends on what is truly said and done.  Good to call for submissions.  Good to critique Andy Stanley.  Also defending Son eternally begotten.  Pless says decline anniversary of ELCA ordaining women.



Be a German Lutheran – great points!  Blasting Cowboy Church.  Hmm.  Rightfully criticizing LWF for promoting climate change.




Failure to cope with mortality good point.  We saw “Greyhound” and enjoyed it.  Good to reprint what’s wrong with consulting the dead. J.I. Packer inconsistent.  NBA sickeningly hypocritical.




Strong sermon by Wille.  Good to challenge legalism on masks, though I’m sure some STRONGLY disagree.  Well argued and well written.  Well done.  Great response to writer defending black lives matter.  Critic of MacArthur exposed for being wrong.




Good commentary by Larry Peters.  Is it safe.  Good to give space to John MacArthur’s arguments.  Possibly could have printed a counter argument.  Sojourners supported reparations but so did an LCMS Pastor in Lutheran Forum, something not mentioned in CN.   Author of Defending Boyhood review not named.  Great photos on exercising.




Although I’m concerned about these issues too, not sure totally fair to Greg Seltz.  Great article by Micah Hill.




Interesting to cite the church doesn’t need online watchmen, without comment.




Good to support freedom of speech, good article against interfaith prayers which I also linked to.  I also linked to America the Beautiful?




Good to be against Black Lives Matter and Marxism, might be well to read Woke Church, which shouldn’t be condemned simply on the basis of its title




Great issue.  Juicy ecumenism on racism, why of pandemic, come back to church, Reu Beck, Joe Bill Dixon




Good essay on anarchy




Antiracism, Hale Catches a Shark with his boys




Lutherans Going East, Taking Issue with Texas Church Growth

Leave the ELCA, Must Engage Roman Catholicism




Strong opposition to suicide

Why can’t the LCMS preach?

Merritt on Mohler




How Baptism Saves




Taking issue with Jonathan Merritt




Abstinence from worship

Washington Post blasts in person worship




Burfiend lead article good, article on evangelical sermons




Norman Vincent Peale – Trump, good to not idolize Trump




Rob Bell, Charisma News, etc.




Good articles on effects of coronavirus




Museum of Bible – Orthodox Church




Slavery, not all immoral, abortion supporter at Concordia New York, Rupprecht on Lent, review of descend to hell book




Criticizing Greg Jackson – should it be priority?

Good articles on long ending of Mark, Larry Peters, climate change, Matt Richard on Devil, publicized Portland problems, mixed gender preaching




Good to raise questions about Concordia Portland

Political idolatry – good points




Harrison discussed




What is a Christian essay is good.

Nobody else talks about canon issue.




Willow Creek’s Dr. B. disputes allegations.

Don’t have problem with Gettys

Good to defend Finnish Lutheran, quote Pat Boone’s comments

Necessary to blast Greg Jackson?



Strong statement on cremation

 Harris more critical than Otten.  Hard to see why Harrison bent out of shape.  Is LCMS using the book?  It’s still LCMS approved.

Great rebuttal of Mark Surburg on marrying non LCMS-Lutherans




Strong statement on Kobe, shows unimportance of sports, prophetic

Inviting comments.

Defending hell, good to review book on the topic, something I missed.  Aaron Rodgers off base.




Protecting life, against suicide




Left out Cascione – good

Good to hold up sexual conservatism




Reprinted report of abuse allegations

Left out Cascione – good

Why stay in LCMS if Voelz is that bad




Didn’t mention Baal or God

Discussion of WELS was weak

Clint Poppe failed to recognize good in CN.